4 Language Bingo!
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

4 Language Bingo!

We played 4 language Bingo, the first player draws a tile from the pile and they will shows the picture to other and say the word in the chosen language.

This game helped kids to learn some words in a different language.

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Squishy Gloves
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Squishy Gloves

Squishy gloves!

Today, I placed some gloves on the table and asked them “what we can do using the gloves?”

We came up with so many ideas, at the end we decided to make squishy gloves. We made squishy using kinetic sand, stones, Pom Pom balls, shaving cream, water and air to feel different textures.

We felt like we have got another set of hands. It was relaxing and fun to feel them.

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Enchanting Forest
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Enchanting Forest

We are creating a dream forest with the mixture of different loose parts, nature stuff, dinosaurs, animals and cars to create pretend play. 

Children had autonomy to design the forest using their imagination, therefore, we used almost everything from the class which we could use to create this fantastic forest. 

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Balloon Challenge
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Balloon Challenge

Fun balloon challenge! In this activity, the kids played the game in partners where they have to save the balloon from touching the floor! How fast can we do it? Ask us!

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Medicine Wheel Fun
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Medicine Wheel Fun

Today, the kids collected different items from the daycare and sorted each item out on the four colours of the medicine wheel!

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Making Bicycles!
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Making Bicycles!

In this activity kids used paper plates and popsicle sticks to make a bicycle! We used our imaginations and creativity to make our bicycles.

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Story Creations
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Story Creations

Create a story!

It’s our story time. Children got to pick any five pieces of wooden craft, they coloured it according to their imagination, and created  a story in front of their friend.

We focused on language skills and  social skills during this activity. 

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Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson


In this activity we used plastic cup to make spinners!

Kids enjoyed making spinner and they used their imagination by making different designs on their spinners.

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Hanging Charms
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Hanging Charms

Today, we decided to decorate our class! We used feathers, paper plates, scissors, yarn and hole punchers to make hanging charms for our class.

Children were divided in group of two for this activity. This activity enhanced their social skills, fine motor skills and cognitive skills. 

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Vegetable Game
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Vegetable Game

This is a fun floor activity in which kids needs to pick vegetables from the floor. When teachers says “floor!” they need to run to the white board to solve the game and save the vegetable from their opposite team member.

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Noodle Sensory Play
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Noodle Sensory Play

Cooking and eating ramen noodles !

We are being independent by “cooking” noodles by ourself and “eating” them. We added salt, tomato ketchup (made with water and red food color) to make our noodles taste delicious. 

While we were “cooking”, we talked about the spices as well as shared our experience of cooking at home.

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Magnet Cars
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Magnet Cars

Today we drew maps of our community and used magnets and cars to take a tour of our neighbourhood!

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Photo Booth
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Photo Booth

During our Winter Holidays, we had some time to play with our cultural photo booth! We had a great time trying out all the different decorations and props! Happy Holidays!

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Snow Fun!
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Snow Fun!

Surfing in the snow! We had a blast!

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Santa Race
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Santa Race

We tried a race to find Santa. Priya timed us to see how long it took us to find Santa in a maze!

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Telephone Game
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Telephone Game

This game is like the telephone game! The kids made a line all facing same direction (forward), each kids has a put paper on other kids is back who is in front of them.

Last kids on the line started drawing on paper and the one who is in front of her/him will copy without looking back. Then they transfer the message to the front of the line.

Kids have a lot of fun playing this game, at the end of the game kids have different drawings on their papers.

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Community Maps
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Community Maps

We had a great time making maps of our community! We used a large sheet of paper with big squares and put the landmarks we saw in our community! It will be used in a project later. Stay tuned!

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Water Table Fun
Nidene Johnson Nidene Johnson

Water Table Fun

It’s time to play with our water table! We cleaned the water table and filled it with water to play. We added some of our favourite toys to play as well as water-beads to feel the texture. 

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