Building a STEAM program at VADC!

Building a STEAM program at VADC!

Marshmallow Building Workshop by Engineering for Kids Staff!

July 7, 2023

What can you do with food colouring and cornstarch? Check out the Clouds!

July 6, 2023

Beachfront Property Making STEAM project

Engineering for Kids Workshop

July 20, 2023

October 13, 2023

In this activity, kids built robots by using plastic cups. Throughout this activity, we asked questions about robots and learned about the different ones that they have seen on TV and in video games.

October 25, 2023

Baking soda balloon fun

In this activity, we put baking soda in a balloon and kids drew a ghost face on it. Then the kids put vinegar in the bottle and then put the balloon on the top of bottle and when the baking soda fell in the bottle, the chemical reaction from the vinegar and baking soda which helped the balloon to blow up! 

Kids really love this activity !!!!!!!

Kids learned about the reaction of soap and milk! As they put food colour in it, it appeared to form in different shapes.

Kids really enjoyed this activity!

September 14, 2023

September 22, 2023

We placed our own lemon mountains and then used vinegar and baking soda as activators to form lava out of it. It was a fun and learning activity.

Science mini volcano experiment 

We use vinegar baking soda, food colour, and water. We learned how vinegar and baking soda works together and created bubbles.

We also learned how to use eye droppers called Pipettes!

September 6, 2023

September 20, 2023

In this activity we did a water density experiment in which we took cold, hot and salty water, food colour and mixed it together. The kids learned that in hot water food colour mixed faster than in other types of water.

September 22, 2023

How can we make a volcano? Ask the kids! We experimented with different materials from a volcano set to make our creation!

September 27, 2023

In this activity we told kids to jump in different shape, letter, and number while having to jump as some animal. EX: we told kids to jump as a kangaroo in letter L or number 10 or in triangle  and they really enjoy it, this activity help them to move their body and stay active and focusing. 

October 4, 2023

Lemon Lava

Today, we did a lemon lava activity where we used baking soda and vinegar as activators to pop artificial lava through lemons. We used food colours to a make it more realistic and playful.

October 11, 2023

We are using earbuds, pipe cleaners, cups and hot glue gun to Construct a bridge. Children were free to use their imagination to design their bridge. 

October 23, 2023

Pumpkin volcano activity 

In this activity, kids cleaned the pumpkin from inside and then put sparkles, baking soda, and vinegar which helped the pumpkin to turn into a volcano! 

October 30, 2023

Pumpkin Guts!

In this activity we put pumpkin guts in the bin and kids added Halloween charms. Then they have to close there eyes and find spiders or any other charm from the bin! 

September 26, 2023

During this science experiment kids use water, food colouring, bleach and pipettes to make the color disappear. We asked the kids they think we can make color disappear and they said no.

Then, we started our experiment by filling up the container with water, added food colouring and 4 drops of bleach.

The kids observed and described the change in the water.  

October 1, 2023

Float and Sink in our water table

Today, we learned about floating and sinking properties of different items in a fun way as we had a water play activity along with this learning. 

October 6, 2023

Pass the Circle

Draw and pass! in the circle, we countdown for every child for 10 seconds to draw, then pass to the next child till everyone gets turn to draw to see what we draw on a paper as a group. 

October 13, 2023

Halloween sensory fun! Let’s add baking soda and vinegar with some Halloween characters! Sensory fun!

October 25, 2023

Balloon and ghost dancing activity 

In this activity, we rubbed balloons on our heads and we made ghosts with paper. When we put the balloons on the top of the paper, they started to float in air and it looks like the ghosts were dancing!

October 30, 2023

What happens when you have two different colours? We tried it out and found out what colours are used to make new ones!

November 16, 2023

In this activity we learned about stop motion as a film making technique. Together we gathered different objects and toys around the room to develop unique films and plots!

November 21, 2023

During this activity we used salt, oil and food colouring to make a salt volcano.

Kids put oil in a jar fill with water and and drop of food colouring then they added salt.

Kids observed how the oil floats on top and when they put salt, they observed how salt is more dense than water and that is why the salt falls to the bottom.

November 27, 2023

Snowflake patterns! We used different types of beads, snowflake patterns, and made different patterns for snowflakes!

November 22, 2023

We got to experience making different tracks and using hex bugs to travel through different mazes!

November 23, 2023

Beading fun with pony beads, plasticine, and raw spaghetti noodles. What kind of patterns did we make? What colours did we use?

December 5, 2023

How can we build a bridge with tape and popsicle sticks? Just ask our School Agers!

December 14, 2023

We build Christmas trees by adding popsicle sticks in between Lego’s and decorated using Pom Pom balls. We learned about balancing during this activity and we had a lot trials and error moments during this activity.

December 29, 2023

RUDOLF RACE-This  activity involves a simple physics concept- the force of air causing movement. Preschoolers  shared their ideas, help each other, and enjoy the process together, fostering teamwork.

January 9, 2024

Preschoolers made rafts and boats to test if it sinks or not . This activity goes beyond just building a floating object, it involves understanding basic engineering principles, such as structural stability and balance. Kids learn firsthand about the relationship between the material used, the structure of the raft, and its ability to float.

January 4, 2024

Castle building with waffle blocks. Let’s experiment with different colours of waffle blocks to create new ideas!

January 10, 2024

Crafting a popsicle stick and tape bridge sparks imaginative play, installing a sense of wonder in preschoolers. This hands-on activity not only hones fine motor skills but also cultivates teamwork and problem-solving, making learning an engaging adventure.

January 15, 2024

This activity not only enhances fine motor skills but also introduces concepts of balance and spatial awareness as preschoolers experiment with different paper folding and stacking technique  to create their own imaginative structures.

January 22, 2024

Activity name: mini basketball.

Kids cut cardboard to make a mini basketball, then cut on bottom of the plastic cup and tap it on cardboard.

After then done, Kids play together, they enjoyed a lot this game.

January 23, 2024

Designing cities

Here, we are working with future architectures to design the city, making roads and construction of different facilities in city. 

January 30, 2024

What kind of reactions can we make using vinegar, baking soda, and food colouring? Watch it fizzle!

February 1, 2024

STEAM Building Challenge

With using playdough, we were able to design different structures by using q-tips, pipe cleaners, and toothpicks!

February 1, 2024

Light Up Creatures with Engineering for Kids!

February 8, 2024

Balloon Cup Challenge! Did you know you could move a cup using only a balloon? We didn’t either!

January 31, 2024

Guess the riddle!

There are 30 cows at the Farm and 28 (20 ate) chicken. How many are left?

February 1, 2024

Building our own version of a Marble Run!

January 11, 2024

We are learning about electromagnetics through a STEAM game. We learned how it changes if we do not have the + and - lined up properly!

January 19, 2024

Preschoolers created a  marble run by using magnetic tiles, arranged the tiles  vertically  forming  a track to guide the marble along the track. They experimented  different configurations, exploring concepts like gravity and cause-and- effect as they observe the marbles rolling through the magnetic maze. This hands on activity promotes problem solving skills and introduces basic principles of physics in an engaging way.

January 22, 2024

A simple and fun way to explore magnetism and promoting early science  understanding. Preschoolers made butterflies, attach paper clips to it  and observed the butterfly’s movement. Additionally the joy of observing the butterfly ‘’fly’’  with the magnets creates a sense of wonder and excitement, making learning a memorable experience.

January 23, 2024

Can you build structures with different foods? Today we tried building with apples!

January 9, 2024

Egg Dropping Challenge!!

We are taking turns to move the flour without letting the egg drop. We had a lot of fun doing this challenge. 

January 12, 2024

Water pouring challenge

Who can empty the water bottle faster?

We noted each child’s time and used different techniques to empty the water bottle faster. 

January 19, 2024-Marble Run Part 2!

Preschoolers were so interested in marble run activity that they extended it on a slide. They attached the tiles to the slide to guide the marbles down. We all experimented with adjusting the angles of the tiles, observing how it affects the marble’s speed and trajectory. This variation introduces  elements of incline and motion, proving a playful exploration of basic physics concepts in a hands on manner.

January 22, 2024

Today  preschoolers took part in an exciting balloon blow race that brought laughter and friendly competition in the classroom.

Each child  received a cup, and inside the cup, there was a balloon waiting to be sent soaring. The challenge was not only entertaining  but also encouraged breath control and coordination.

January 30, 2024

Creating a ball shoot! We used different types of boxes, tape, and ping pong balls to see if they would travel through our invention!

January 31, 2024

Graphing Fun!

February 2, 2024

Learning about Circuits with Mad Science! We were electrifying!

February 8, 2024

Slime making activity with Engineering for Kids! We had a blast making our own slime and we got to take it home!

February 15, 2024

How much can a spaghetti noodle actually hold? Ask us!

February 20, 2024

We brought the sand table out. We played with sand for a bit and then thought of an idea, what if we mix sand with water. 

We got our sand delivery driver to deliver sand to the tuff tray. We added water and stared mixing it together. 

We had a lot of fun building castle, rivers. Apart from this, we made each of us a different island and made ways for water to pass from one island to other.

February 23, 2024

Today we did experiment by covering a burning candle with a jar on a plate filled with water. Kids observed that the glass jar became foggy and water level rises.

Date: February 28 2024

Activity name: sugar water Density experiment

In this activity we mixed sugar, water and food colouring to make a rainbow.

BUT, the more we added  sugar into the same amount of water, is higher the density of the mixture!

March 11, 2024

Today we did an activity to learn which kind of material absorb more oil and which absorb less. We used paper towel, cotton balls, feather's and tissue. We put water and oil in a bin and kids tried each material to check which one absorbs more oil.

March 22, 2024

Today we watched different experiments with batteries on the internet. We wanted to see if the experiments actually work. We tried to all one by one!

February 15, 2024

New Height’s Helicopters with Engineering for Kids! How can we make them fly? Ask us!

February 20, 2024

Today we tried to find toy shapes matching with shapes on floor. It was more interesting when they have to bring toys to the place on one foot.

February 23, 2024

Tooth pick star experiment : today we put split toothpicks in the centre of a plate to form a star shape. Then kids added water in the centre and the wood absorbed the water and expanded. It formed star shape. It was fun learning activity.

February 21, 2024

Kids mixed baking soda and paint then they drew a moon and stars on the paper.

After the drawing, they added vinegar on top.

They were very excited to some the reaction of baking soda and vinegar on the moon.

February 23, 2024

In this science experiment we used oil, Food colouring, water,  alka seltzer tablets to make a lava lamp 

During this activity kids learned water and oil can’t mixed and when they add alka seltzer it sinks all the way to the bottom.

After adding alka seltzer in oil, Kids observed the  chemical reaction between the water and the alka seltzer starts to take shape and the bubbles.

March 7, 2024

Pattern making with foam!

March 13, 2024

We ask kids if we fill a sandwich bag with water and poke the pencil though the bag what  will happen? 

Some said water will leak.

We planned this experiment and did it together. We filled the sandwich bag with water and kids poked the pencil from one side to other side and water didn’t leak because they didn’t take the pencil out from one side the bag 

Kids enjoyed and loved this experiment.

March 28, 2024

Mad Science came to visit and we learned all about slime and how to make it!

February 27, 2024

In this activity we asked kids if paper balloons can  sink in water or float. Some said “no” and others said “yes.” 

We put water in a container then kids put different objects inside EX: paper, rocks 

Kids discovered which objects could float and which will sink!

March 6, 2024

We did an experiment to see if an orange will float or sink if it is peeled.  Children were surprised to see the peeled orange sinking!

March 14, 2024

How can we build a strong structure? We use different materials and check to see how much it can hold!

April 5, 2024

We had a lot of cardboard boxes left over and decided that we could build a ramp for our toy cars! We had a great time experimenting with different pieces and how we could build it!

March 18, 2024

We tried this experiment of transferring the ball from one cup to another

It help kids with fine motor, control development, concentration on what they doing.

April 3 2024

Activity Name: Bee pollination.

We made some bee pollination together with the kids. 

We talk about bees and how it helps flowers, and how bees gather nectar for honey.

We had fun making bees and learning together.

April 5, 2024

Did you know that you could build a road with tape and popsicle sticks? We did! It held one of our Monster Trucks too!

Date: April 11 2024

Activity Name: plant life ( seed germination)

In this activity we talked about nature and plant life 

Kids were interested in plants and plant life!

For the seed germination, we glued plastic bags in box and  put some garden soil in plastic.

After we put the seed in each plastic bag.

During this activity kids learned about seed and the transformation they undergo as they become plants.

April 1, 2024

Today we added colourful water drops on parchment paper and then put paper on top of it. The colors turned out really nice and mixed with each other, formed new colors.


APRIL 2024

April 12, 2024

In this activity we challenged children to build anything using modeling clay.

By doing this activity kids develop their cognitive development by using their imaginations also their develop their fine motor skills by using their hands to build.

April 18, 2024

Cup tower challenge!

April 28, 2024

Learning to make paper!

May 15, 2024

Building creations with boxes, markers, tape, and much more!

May 24, 2024

Flower making

We used coffee filters and pipe cleaners to make flowers. Children used their imagination and practiced their fine motor skills to make the flowers.

June 3, 2024

Polident tab experiment! We used two jars: one with water and the other with vinegar. We put a tab in both jars and found out that the water jar showed more disolving effect of the tablet as compare to vinegar jar.


May 3, 2024

Galaxy lights fun

What’s better than experiencing galaxy in the class when it’s raining outside. We had so much fun exploring different planets. After we had a dance party in the dark. 

April 10, 2024

Did you know that you can make paper? We gave it a try using some paper we were finished using, soaked it and then used other materials to strain out the water, dry it, and have more paper to use!

Date: April 15, 2024

Water slide building!

May 9, 2024

What does baking soda and food colouring with vinegar do? Let’s find out!

May 23, 2024

Building Fun with our decorated boxes! We had a great time building different houses and structures!

May 30, 2024

In this experiment, we used water, leaf, and ink. After that we put some ink at the end of leaf. When we put that leaf in water, the ink starts moving backward because of that effect leaf moved forward!

June 4, 2024

Hand washing tough tray idea in this activity first kids helped by freezing the hands by putting water in gloves and they used paint and sparkle as a germs and used sponge and soap water for cleaning

May 17, 2024

String challenge 

In this activity kids need to support ball on the string and than drop in one of the bin to  score points 

May 28, 2024

We made a cup and paper tower. In this activity we balanced cups on paper and tried to make highest tower.

October 31, 2023

What happens when you throw slime up and then it falls? A bubble of course!

November 15, 2023

In this Steam activity we used tissue paper straws and food  colouring. 

First, we rolled the paper on the straws to make it look like a caterpillar which made the paper turn into small sizes. Then we put food colouring on the top and after that the paper expanded and it looks like caterpillar is growing! 

Kids learned that water molecules can expand paper.

November 17, 2023

The kids learned about the work of magnets towards other magnets or objects with help of game that is called move the blind magnet. 

To play, one person closes their eyes and other person needs to guide the first person to take the magnetic marble to the destination point.

We used two materials: big table and paper for magnetic field!

November 27, 2023

This is the plastic bag blast fun!

In this activity kids, put baking soda in plastic bags and then they added vinegar. They closed the bag and found out that because of gas the bag popped and it was really fun!

December 12, 2023

Today, we did the magic milk activity using different fluids such as water, food colour and oil where we formed molecules on the oil layers and designed this mixture using threads.

December 18, 2023

Preschoolers made 2D and 3D models of animals, cartoons, cars and more! This activity inspires children to learn by playing and acquire  a strong sense of colors , number counts , magnet polarities, as well as creativity.

January 9, 2024

How do we make water travel from one cup to another? 

I gave cups, paper, food colour, oil, water to each child. Children were asked to figure out if they can help the water travel from one cup to another! We found out that instead of using oil and gel the water did not travel easily from cup to cup.

November 16, 2023

We can make it rain!

In this science experiment we use shaving cream, jar, food colouring and water to make rain

By doing this science experiment we learned to observe how rain falls down from the clouds.

October 26, 2023

Pumpkin Ring Toss!

In this activity, we put different sizes of pumpkins on the table and according to their size, they were assigned a number.

Children can score points based on which pumpkin ring they tossed!

November 1, 2023

In this science experiment,  we asked kids what they thought about dancing rice. Could we make rice dance? Was it possible?

We used vinegar ,water, baking soda and food coloring to make the rice dance in a jar.

Kids was exited to observe and explore the rice in jar and were very surprised that it could really dance!

December 12, 2023

In this STEAM experiment we used baking soda and vinegar to make the corn dance.

During this activity kids was able to observe the chemical reaction of baking soda and vinegar we they mixed together by doing this, they are using their cognitive experiences!

Kids enjoyed and have fun watching the corn dancing in a jar.

November 14, 2023

Today we challenged children to construct something using only one piece of construction paper, tape and scissors. 

This is what we were able to make.

Oct 2, 2023

Kids have to balance stones on the cups with the help of wood sticks. If you balance, you win! 

October 10, 2023

This is a team building activity in which we used dice and numbers. The kids have to erase the numbers according to what they rolled on the dice. The first person to erase all the numbers is the winner!

Flashlight Making STEAM Project

Engineering for Kids Workshop

August 11, 2023

October 18, 2023

Water spill challenge 

In this activity kids, were standing in line they have to put water in one at a time. The objective is to be the one who does not make the cup spill over.

We learned why water is having spherical property and watched a cool video on it during circle time!

How can we make dough colourful? Let’s experiment with different textures and colours!

August 30, 2023

What can we build with Lego? Find out at the Manitoba Museum!

July 6, 2023

Creation Station! How can we use everyday objects to create new ideas?

Tidy Bots STEAM Project

Engineering for Kids Workshop

August 17, 2023

Magnet Making STEAM project with Engineering for Kids!

August 31, 2023

September 15, 2023

All tied up! We made a spider web to go through and try to escape! Spooky season is upon us soon!

September 21, 2023

This is a fun team activity in which both teams use the dice and what ever number came on the top of it that number will be removed from the board 

September 27, 2023

Today we drew letters and shapes on the plate with dry erase markers and then added water in the plate. After adding water, the shapes and water started floating. It was fun and kids loved it.

We are very excited to announce a new program at VADC!

Through the Winnipeg Foundation’s One Time Community Grant, we can now enhance our programming of STEAM related activties!