Through our learning of the Indigenous culture and teachings, we are learning through a variety of different activities on a daily basis! Check out what we are up to!

We are learning to make Dreamcatchers! What’s a Dreamcatcher? Check out the link!

We had a fun time learning about the meanings of the directions on the Medicine Wheel and how it relates to where we are from!

Today we had a chance to try on a ribbon skirt!

We had a great time play a memory game and learning all about the Northwest Coast Animals!

Our preschool friends got to spend some time learning about all of the animals and different types of furs they have!

We had a chance to create our own TeePee’s using wooden pieces, sticks, rocks, tree coin pieces, burlap, string and more! It was an experiment to see how we could create different teepee creations! We had so much fun!


Music in our Program


Special Community Members